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Water Quackery and Scams - Customers Beware!

Image shows a trick and scare tactic used by unscrupulous vendors, commonly referred to as the jam jar test. For details, Click Here. Convictions have resulted in the USA of such fraudulent sales tactics - Here is an example.

There are lots of quackery and scams out there involving the sale and marketing of water treatment devices which have been proven to be ineffective or not quite proven to be effective.

Here is a reputable web site H2O dot CON: Water-related Pseudoscience, Fantasy & Quackery by Dr Stephen K Lower, retired professor of the Department of Chemistry, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada.

There is also an A to Z Search List to help you in getting quick information on many dubious systems.

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A Joke Scare Tactic: Electrolysis (This is NOT an order page)
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Here's something interesting as a lame water distiller advertising. Look at this from a ...More One old-time trick that can scare the hell out of people and mislead them into buying expensive wate...More
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